Monday, May 5, 2014

Own Questions on MS SQL Server DBA

Daily Checks Could include below
  •  Check for Failed processes
  • Research Errors
  • Validate disk space is not low
  • validate none of the database are offline or corrupt
  • perform database maintenance as available to do so
AES: Advanced Encryption standard

How do you identify and correct a SQL Server performance issue?
  • Identification- use native tools like profiler, perfmon, system stored procedures, DMVs, Custom stored procedures or third party tools
  • Analysis- Analyze the data to determine the core problems
  • Testing- test the various options to ensure they perform better and do not cause worse performance in other portions of the application
  • Knowledge sharing- share your experience with the team to ensure they understand the problem and solution, so the issue does not occur again
  • Additional information -, category: performance Tuning and Query Optimization

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