Friday, May 23, 2014

Interview with Accenture on 19 May 2014

Interview with Accenture  on 19 May 2014
 Recovery Models and explain?

2.       Backup Types?

Full Backup
Differential Backup
Transaction Log Backup
Copy-only Backup
Partial backup
Differential Partial backup
File Group Backup

3.       What is copy-only Backup?

4.       Tell me about yourself?
5.       Did you work in mirroring environment?
6.       Why can’t we configure mirroring in same instance?
Because we can’t create another database with same name.
7.       Pre Requisite for Database Mirroring?
8.       Differences between Mirroring and Clustering?
9.       Load balancing Vs Active-Active Setup?
10.   Can we access Mirror server database for reporting? If so, how?
11.   Explain about Mirroring Modes?
12.   Explain about Always On?
13.   Differences between Always ON and Clustering?
14.   Types of replications and explain?

15.   What are the reasons to be dropped the replication?
Service packs, hotfixes and security patch levels must be consistent on all Domain Controllers (DCs). Inconsistent update levels across DCs can lead to DC-to-DC synchronisation and replication related problems. It is extremely difficult to trap errors caused by DCs being out of sync, so it's critical that consistency is maintained.

16.   Peer to Peer replication
17.   If have transactional replication setup. Now you want to add ten articles to the Publisher. After adding the articles what do you do to get subscribers updated with the articles? How do you ensure that subscriber side articles got updated?
19.   Pre Requisite for replication?
20.   What are the agents required for replication?
21.   Merge Vs Transactional with upgradable subscription?
22.   What performance issues you faced and how you fixed them?
23.   What is server side trace and how to use it?
24.   Do you run SQL Profiler for production server?
25.   Name DBCC Commands?
26.   Name DMVs and DMFs


27.   Normalization and Types?
28.   Types of Authentications?
29.   Name Database and Server roles?
30.   What is the purpose of SQL Server Browser service?
31.   What are the services added to the ‘services.msc’ when SQL server is installed?

SQL Active Directory Helper Service
Enables integration with Active Directories
SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher
Service to launch full-text filter daemon process which will perform document filtering and word breaking for SQL Server full-text search. Disabling this service will make full-text search features of SQL Server unavailable.

SQL Server
Provides storage, processing and controlled access of data, and rapid transaction processing.

SQL Server Agent
Executes jobs, monitors SQL Server, fires alerts, and allows automation of some administrative tasks.

Supplies online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining functionality for business intelligence

SQL Server Browser
Provides SQL Server connection information to client computers.

Provides management support for SSIS package storage and execution.

Manages, executes, renders, schedules and delivers reports.

SQL Server VSS Writer
Provides the interface to backup/restore Microsoft SQL server through the Windows VSS infrastructure.

32.    Can we create index without Primary Key constraint in a table? What is the reason for Cluster index limit for a table?

33.    Explain about Unique Non Cluster Index?
34.   What are statistics and how do they help SQL DBA?
35.    Explain about System Databases?
System Databases

The system databases are comprised of Master, Model, MSDB, TempDB, and the hidden Resource
database. If the server is configured to be a replication distributor, there will also be at least one system
distribution database that is named during the replication configuration process.

The Master Database
The Master database is used to record all server-level objects in SQL Server 2005. This includes Server
Logon accounts, Linked Server definitions, and EndPoints. The Master database also records information
about all the other databases on the server (such as their file locations and names). Unlike its predecessors,
SQL Server 2005 does not store system information in the Master database, but rather in the
Resource database. However, system information is logically presented as the SYS schema in the
Master database.

The Model Database
The Model database is a template database. Whenever a new database is created (including the system
database TempDB), a copy of the Model database is created and renamed with the name of the database
being created. The advantage of this behavior is that objects can be placed in the Model database prior to
the creation of any new database and, when the database is created, the objects will appear in the new database. For example, it has always bugged me that Transact-SQL does not contain a Trim function to
truncate both leading and trailing spaces from a string of characters. Transact-SQL offers an RTRIM function
that truncates trailing spaces and an LTRIM function that removes leading spaces. The code to successfully
implement a traditional trim operation thus becomes the following:
LTRIM(RTRIM(‘character string’))
To reduce my irritation level and the number of characters I needed to type to successfully trim a character
string, I created my own TRIM function in the Model database with the following code:
USE Model
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Trim (@String varchar(MAX))
RETURNS varchar(MAX)
SELECT @String = LTRIM(RTRIM(@String))
RETURN @String
After creating this function in the Model database, it will be propagated to all databases created after
adding it to the Model database and can be utilized with the following simplified code:
dbo.TRIM(‘character string’)
I know it’s only a saving of two characters, but those two characters are open and close parenthesis characters,
which are often the source of annoying syntax errors. By reducing the nested functions, the overall
complexity of the function call is also reduced.
Almost any database object can be added to the Model database so that they are available in subsequently
created databases. This includes database users, roles, tables, stored procedures, functions, and
The MSDB Database
I mostly think of the MSDB database as the SQL Server Agent’s database. That’s because the SQL Server
Agent uses the MSDB database extensively for the storage of automated job definitions, job schedules,
operator definitions, and alert definitions. The SQL Server Agent is described in greater detail in Chapter 8,
but for now, just know that the Agent is responsible for almost all automated and scheduled operations.
The SQL Server Agent is not the only service that makes extensive use of the MSDB database. Service
Broker, Database Mail, and Reporting Services also use the MSDB database for the storage of scheduling
information. In addition to automation and scheduling information, SQL Server Integration Services
(SSIS) can also utilize the MSDB database for the storage of SSIS packages.

The TempDB Database
The TempDB database is used by SQL Server to store data—yes, you guessed it, temporarily. The TempDB
database is used extensively during SQL Server operations, so careful planning and evaluation of its size
and placement are critical to ensure efficient SQL Server database operations.
Introducing SQL Server 2005
The TempDB database is used by the Database Engine to store temporary objects (such as temporary
tables, views, cursors, and table-valued variables) that are explicitly created by database programmers.
In addition, the TempDB database is used by the SQL Server database engine to store work tables containing
intermediate results of a query prior to a sort operation or other data manipulation. For example, if
you wrote a query that returned 100,000 rows and you wanted the results sorted by a date value in the
results, SQL Server could send the unsorted results to a temporary work table where it would perform
the sorting operation and then return the sorted results to you. The TempDB database is also used extensively
to support new connection options such as SNAPSHOT ISOLATION or Multiple Active Result Sets
(MARS). If online index operations are performed, the TempDB database will hold the index during the
build or rebuild process.
Another important aspect to keep in mind about the TempDB database is that all database users have
access to it and have the ability to create and populate temporary objects. This access can potentially create
locking and size limitation issues on SQL Server, so it is important to monitor the TempDB database
just like any other database on SQL Server.

The Resource Database
The last system database is the Resource database. The Resource database is a read-only database that
contains all the system objects used by an instance of SQL Server. The Resource database is not accessible
during normal database operations. It is logically presented as the SYS schema in every database. It
contains no user data or metadata. Instead, it contains the structure and description of all system objects.
This design enables the fast application of service packs by just replacing the existing Resource
database with a new one. As an added bonus, to roll back a service pack installation, all you have to do
is replace the new Resource database with the old one. This very elegant design replaces the older
method of running many scripts that progressively dropped and added new system objects.
36.    Database Booting order after SQL started?


37.    Purpose of Model database?
38.    If Model DB is corrupted, what happens?
39.    Can we access Resource DB?
40.    If I delete Resource DB, can SQL server works fine?
You can start the service at all
41.    Difference between Stored Procedures and Functions?
42.    Purpose of Check Point?
A checkpoint creates a known good point from which the SQL Server Database Engine can start applying changes contained in the log during recovery after an unexpected shutdown or crash.

For performance reasons, the Database Engine performs modifications to database pages in memory—in the buffer cache—and does not write these pages to disk after every change. Rather, the Database Engine periodically issues a checkpoint on each database. A checkpoint writes the current in-memory modified pages (known as dirty pages) and transaction log information from memory to disk and, also, records information about the transaction log.

Transact-SQL Interface
EXEC sp_configure 'recovery interval', 'seconds'
Issued automatically in the background to meet the upper time limit suggested by the recovery interval server configuration option. Automatic checkpoints run to completion. Automatic checkpoints are throttled based on the number of outstanding writes and whether the Database Engine detects an increase in write latency above 20 milliseconds.
Issued in the background to meet a user-specified target recovery time for a given database. The default target recovery time is 0, which causes automatic checkpoint heuristics to be used on the database. If you have used ALTER DATABASE to set TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME to >0, this value is used, rather than the recovery interval specified for the server instance.
CHECKPOINT [ checkpoint_duration ]
Issued when you execute a Transact-SQL CHECKPOINT command. The manual checkpoint occurs in the current database for your connection. By default, manual checkpoints run to completion. Throttling works the same way as for automatic checkpoints. Optionally, the checkpoint_duration parameter specifies a requested amount of time, in seconds, for the checkpoint to complete.
For more information, see CHECKPOINT (Transact-SQL).
Issued by various server operations such as backup and database-snapshot creation to guarantee that disk images match the current state of the log.

43.   Check Point Vs Lazy Writer?
It’s important to understand how and when SQL makes changes in memory and how and when those changes are written to the data file. It has a big impact on memory use and IO patterns.
Data modification queries (insert, update, delete) always make changes to data pages in memory. In fact, queries in general only operate on in-memory data pages. When a query makes a change to an in-memory page, that page is marked as ‘dirty’, indicating that there are changes on that page that have to be written to disk before the page can be discarded from memory. That writing is the job of two system processes, the lazy writer and the checkpoint.
Lazy Writer
The job of the lazy writer is to find dirty pages in the buffer pool and write them out to disk and drop those pages from cache. It does this to keep a certain amount of free pages available within the buffer pool for data that may be requested by other queries. The pages that it writes out are ‘older’ pages, ones that haven’t been used for a while.
If there’s lots of available buffers, the lazy writer will be doing relatively little work and the number of pages written to disk will be quite low. If the lazy writer’s consistently writing lots of data, it may indicate that there’s a memory bottleneck.
The checkpoint process also writes dirty pages to disk, but it has no interest in keeping available buffers or memory pressure. The job of the checkpoint is to keep the potential time needed to recover the database to a small value.
Recovery is the process that the database must go through when it starts up to ensure transactional consistency. In part of the recovery process SQL uses the transaction log to work out what transactions had committed but may not have had their changes written to disk at the time of the shut down and it replays those transactions. That replay (roll forward) can be extensive on larger, busy databases. To reduce the amount of work required of this roll forward, the checkpoint process runs at regular intervals and writes all dirty data pages to disk and writes an entry into the log indicating that all changes before that point are now on disk.
One important thing to note here is that all dirty data pages are written to disk by the checkpoint, not just pages corresponding to committed transactions. Of course, this means that changes may be written to disk and later rolled back, either explicitly or because the transaction did not complete. This is not a concern. When the rollback happens, the data pages will again be modified in memory and later written to disk. If the SQL service restarts after the pages were written to disk but before the transaction commits, another part of the recovery process will undo those data changes.
The frequency at which the checkpoint process runs is controlled by a server setting: “recovery interval (min)”. This setting specifies how long a recovery should take. The higher this is set to, the less often checkpoint runs. The flip side is that the higher the recovery interval is, the more work checkpoint has to do each time it runs, hence if checkpoint is causing IO contention it may be better to reduce the recovery interval, rather than increasing it
Impact of Recovery Interval on Recovery Performance
For an online transaction processing (OLTP) system using short transactions, recovery interval is the primary factor determining recovery time. However, the recovery interval option does not affect the time required to undo a long-running transaction. Recovery of a database with a long-running transaction can take much longer than the specified in the recovery interval option. For example, if a long-running transaction took two hours to perform updates before the server instance became disabled, the actual recovery takes considerably longer than the recovery interval value to recover the long transaction. For more information about the impact of a long running transaction on recovery time, see The Transaction Log (SQL Server).
Typically, the default values provides optimal recovery performance. However, changing the recovery interval might improve performance in the following circumstances:
·         If recovery routinely takes significantly longer than 1 minute when long-running transactions are not being rolled back.
·         If you notice that frequent checkpoints are impairing performance on a database.
If you decide to increase the recovery interval setting, we recommend increasing it gradually by small increments and evaluating the effect of each incremental increase on recovery performance. This approach is important because as the recovery interval setting increases, database recovery takes that many times longer to complete. For example, if you change recovery interval 10, recovery takes approximately 10 times longer to complete than when recovery interval is set to zero.
Indirect Checkpoints
Indirect checkpoints, new in SQL Server 2012, provide a configurable database-level alternative to automatic checkpoints. In the event of a system crash, indirect checkpoints provide potentially faster, more predictable recovery time than automatic checkpoints. Indirect checkpoints offer the following advantages:
·         Indirect checkpoints can reduce overall database recovery time.
·         Indirect checkpoints enable you to reliably control database recovery time by factoring in the cost of random I/O during REDO. This enables a server instance to stay within an upper-bound on recovery times for a given database (except when a long-running transaction causes excessive UNDO times).
·         Indirect checkpoints reduce checkpoint-related I/O spiking by continually writing dirty pages to disk in the background.
However, an online transactional workload on a database that is configured for indirect checkpoints could experience performance degradation. This is because the background writer used by indirect checkpoint sometimes increases the total write load for a server instance.
Internal Checkpoints
Internal Checkpoints are generated by various server components to guarantee that disk images match the current state of the log. Internal checkpoint are generated in response to the following events:
·         Database files have been added or removed by using ALTER DATABASE.
·         A database backup is taken.
·         A database snapshot is created, whether explicitly or internally for DBCC CHECK.
·         An activity requiring a database shutdown is performed. For example, AUTO_CLOSE is ON and the last user connection to the database is closed, or a database option change is made that requires a restart of the database.
·         An instance of SQL Server is stopped by stopping the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service . Either action causes a checkpoint in each database in the instance of SQL Server.
·         Bringing a SQL Server failover cluster instance (FCI) offline.

44.    Rebuild Vs Reorg?
45.    What is the affect on performance while Rebuild and Reorg Index?
46.    Table Vs View?
47.    Full Text Index?
48.    How to install hot fix in Cluster Environment?
1.      run the set up file (setup.bat).
2.      On the Welcome to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 Installation Wizard page, click Next.
3.      On the Computer Name page, select Virtual Server, type the virtual server name, for example, SQLCLUSTER, and then click Next.
4.      On the Software License Agreement page, click Yes.
5.      On the Instance Name page, click Next.
6.      On the Remote Information page, type Admin for the cluster, and then click Next.
7.      On the Connect to Server page, select Windows authentication, an
8.      d then click Next.
9.      In the SA Password Warning dialog box, select Ignore the security threat warning, leave the password blank, and then click Next.
10.  In the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 Setup dialog box, select Upgrade Microsoft Search and apply SQL Server 2000 SP4, and then click Continue.
11.  In the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 Setup dialog box, make sure that the check box for Enable cross-database ownership chaining for all databases is clear, and then click Continue.
12.  In the Error Reporting dialog box, click OK.
13.  On the Remote Information page, do the following:
Use this
To do this
Type CLUSvc.
Type the corresponding password.
Type the domain name.
14.  Click Next.
15.  In the dialog box warning you to back up your databases, click OK.
16.  On the Start Copying Files page, click Next.
17.  On the Shutting Down Tasks page, click Next.
The installation process starts.
18.  In the Setup dialog box, click OK.
19.  On the Setup Complete page, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now, and then click Finish.
20.  For clustered deployments, restart the second computer that is running SQL Server only after the first computer that is running SQL Server has fully restarted. You might experience database corruption if you do not wait until the first computer that is running SQL Server has fully restarted before restarting the second computer that is running SQL Server.
Long-running uncommitted transactions increase recovery time for all types of checkpoints.

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