Monday, October 7, 2013


#1. The Perfect Human Wants to Be Better

 To me, a great part of being human is the relentless quest for better. Yes–be content. But study Michelangeo, Federer, Einstein or Jobs. Madonna and Gaga. Slim and Rockefeller. Each one of them had a lust to grow. To excel. To win. To make everything they touched better.

#2. The Perfect Human Cares

 Being fully human’s also about a mastery of the details. So yes, I definitely mean being caring in the loving sense. But I also mean just caring about polishing the little details that average people dismiss as insignificant. The downside of this is that you’ll be seen as difficult. Who cares? All world-builders were called that.

#3. The Perfect Human is Brave

 You just can’t get to great (and I’m no where near that–just a messenger) without an insane level of raw courage. TPH (The Perfect Human) gets that. And so she speaks her truth even when her voice shakes. He stands for his cherished values even when facing a bullet. They do what’s right even when it’s hard. And nothing–absolutely nothing–stops them from breathing reality into their once imaginary dreams.

 #4. The Perfect Human Loves Fit

 Fitness is a game-changer. It just is. Once you get to your best physical condition, your focus soars, your mood elevates, your resilience grows and your stamina flows. TPH is like a hunter on the ancient plains–knowing that only the fittest survive. And yes–when you get fit you’ll get giant goals done (so your life gets good). But also get ultra-healthy so you’re of improved service to our world. (We all need you to shine).

#5. The Perfect Human Values Honor

To be fully human and alive is to live in a way that’s aligned with the noble virtues of honesty, patience, understanding, respect, persistence and compassion. Decency’s still cool–at least in the world I want to live in. The best of us–my heroes–live like that. And that’s why I love them.

#6. The Perfect Human Needs Little

 Look–I spend a lot of my pro life helping large companies and industry titans make greater fortunes. Money brings freedom (and allows businesses to give people livelihoods). Nice things are part of the sensual pleasures of the world–why not enjoy them? But The Perfect Human doesn’t need them. They don’t make the title, the net worth, the social status, the watch and the house their God. Nope. They just enjoy them–fully knowing the real goal of the ride is self-mastery and contribution.

#7. The Perfect Human Respects Work

Work is a means to grow stronger, bigger and better. I wish more people got that. A job’s just a job if you choose to see it as a job. All work is a means to express your awesome talent, beat your fears and produce gorgeous value for other human beings. TPH respects work. And works hard for the internal and external rewards it brings.

#8. The Perfect Human Craves Achievement

 We are most alive when we are playing at our edges. Go to your limits and you’ll find your limits expand. Few things are as exciting, inspiring and fulfilling as the ongoing pursuit of doing things you once thought impossible. Forget the naysayers: extreme achievement is one of the ultimate keys to happiness (for you analyticals: getting important things done releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, the chemical of happiness and motivation).

#9. The Perfect Human Adores Family

At the end, few things matter more than how well you loved those who love you. I adore my work. I live for my mission to encourage, champion and be an instrument of service. But even more, I adore my family.

#10. The Perfect Human Savors Life

 Albert Camus said it 10,000X better than I could on my best day: Live to The Point of Tears. TPH feels life, both the blessings and the sufferings. They all contain an original form of utter beauty. So savor the starry night, your child’s laughter, the morning walk, the nightly study, the daily routines. And the bold espresso. - See more at:

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