Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The 8 Acronyms of Extreme Achievement

By Robin Sharma

#1 Bestselling author of “The Leader Who Had No Title”
Please read with care
A quick but strong and valuable piece of information about getting you from where you now are to where you’ve always wanted to be is below…please read it with care…
I’m in Moscow as I write this…just finished a 3 hour presentation for Russia’s business elite.
They were smart, energetic and open to learning (remember: the moment you think you know everything you know nothing).
One of the pieces that kickstarted their passion and got them all talking was the section on The 8 Acronyms for Extreme Achievement…
…if you’ve read my books like The Leader Who Had No Title and The Greatness Guide you know I adore my acronyms…
…and here are 8 of the best (apply them over the next 90 days so you finish this year at your very best…there’s still enough time to make this year legendary…but you need to get moving swiftly now)…
The 8 Acronyms for Extreme Achievement
#1: APR: Absolute Personal Responsibility
Nothing in your personal, physical, professional and financial life will change until you start making your changes. Human beings are really really good at self-deception (lying to ourselves keeps us from pain). And playing The Victim.
But the beginning of transformation is awareness. And the very moment we stop blaming others and conditions for what’s not world-class in our lives is the moment we take back our power to dramatically alter our situation.
APR is all about waking up to the reality that your current reality (in whatever areas are most important to you) have not been caused by your boss or by your spouse or by your childhood or by the world. You created them (via your thinking, behaviors and performance). And once you truly get this, you’ll be in the beautiful position to make the new choices that will deliver all-new results.
#2. NSI: Never Stop Improving
Study Jay-Z or Cirque du Soleil or Zuckerberg or Lady Gaga. All extreme achievers have one belief in common: good enough is definitely not good enough.
To start seeing explosive gains in your achievement levels, I invite you to make the commitment to using every single day of the rest of your long life as a platform for improvement and a vehicle for daily optimization.
Remember: as you live this day, so you craft your life (the best way to predict the future is to create it in the present). Leave everything you touch 1% better. Never stop improving your mindset. Never stop improving your communication. Never stop improving your fitness. Never stop improving your productivity. Never stop improving your knowledge base…you get my point…
#3. BIW: Best In the World
The whole name of the game is to win. And winning is less about being better than others and a whole lot more about outperforming who you were yesterday (hint: you can’t get to be the extreme achiever you’ve always dreamed of becoming, stuck in the think and action patterns of the person you’ve always been).
And when you’re all about the hot pursuit of Mastery, Excellence and Exceptionalism (not so you become the best in the world but so you express your best), the inevitable result is that you become one of the best in the world.
You really were born into greatness. But the world may have schooled it out of you.
You really have something special within you. But life may have suggested it out of you.
Today’s an awesome day to make the choice that will change the game for you…and start standing for your highest and best.
#4. ABDOV: Always Be Delivering Outrageous Value
Your life comes alive when you devote it to service. The secret of happiness truly is helpfulness.
We live in The Generosity Economy…the person who helps the most will profit the most (not only in terms of your joy-levels but financially as well).
When you train your brain to focus on the mission “how may I help the most people?” and when you begin to see yourself as a walking talking living breathing value contributor, success, abundance and breathtaking levels of well-being beat a path to your front door.
#5. KMF: Keep Moving Forward
Study the excellent research of Angela Lee Duckworth and you’ll discover that the #1 factor that determines whether you’ll become an extreme achiever or an average person comes down to one thing…
…it’s not your IQ.
…it’s not your looks.
…it’s not where you live or where you’ve been.
It’s a world she calls “Grit”…your ability to persist, stay passionate and get your biggest goals done (in the face of being laughed at, bumping into obstacles and even being filled with self-doubt).
KMF is all about moving ahead–when things are easy but even more essentially, when times are hard.
You show us how badly you want your dreams when you press ahead in the most difficult of times. Remember: Victims surrender to adversity while Extreme Achievers exploit it to their advantage.
#6. FMOB: The First, The Most, The Only and The Best
First mover advantage. The great spoils of success don’t come to the person who got the brilliant idea but to the performer who got the idea done.
Ideation without execution is mere delusion.
Stop telling us you’ll start your business or get ultra-fit or fall in love or change the world. Talk’s just cheap. Action speaks louder. Just go do it…and then tell us what you did.
Being a FMOB is about committing to becoming legendary. An icon. A giant on the planet. And using your life to make history.
#7. LWT: Lead Without a Title.
You can lead without the need for a position or formal authority. I’ve spent over a decade criss-crossing the world teaching this concept to the likes of FedEx, GE, NIKE, The Coca-Cola Company, IBM and Oracle.
The real idea is this: every day when you walk out into the world, you have a choice: you can show victimhood or you can inspire us via your leadership.
—the flight attendant on the Delta flight from San Diego to Minneapolis last week who gave me green tea from her purse showed pure leadership.
—the school crossing guard who I saw dancing on the street to make the kids laugh is a leader.
—the chef at the Colombian restaurant I ate at recently who worked like Picasso painted and lit up the room with his fierce passion for perfection is a leader.
Become the CEO of your job responsibility, the Master of Your Craft and The Captain of Your Fate…
…and please own the idea that success is not reserved for the lucky…it’s the domain of the leaders…and people just like you with the vision, guts, discipline and devotion to use their lives to make spectacular things happen.
You CAN do this…will you?
#8. WTOH: What’s The Opportunity Here?
This is a tool I teach to my elite coaching clients. And it works wonders when used consistently, to the point of it become your default way of thinking.
You see, a problem only becomes a problem when you view it as a problem.
- See more at: http://www.robinsharma.com/blog/10/the-8-acronyms-of-extreme-achievement/#sthash.a736kgNB.dpuf

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