Sunday, August 4, 2013

The One Thing Titans Do

Which brings me to the idea of being "A Titan". ...In Greek mythology, "Titan" referred to a member of an ancient race of powerful Gods with incredible strength, power and influence. ...In today's world, a Titan is a man or a woman who is a member of the financial, business and social elite. Ultra-billionaires Carlos Slim, Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega, Warren Buffett, Li Ka-Shing, Liliane Bettencourt, Elon Musk and Bernard Arnault are just a few who come to mind. But so do athletes like Roger Federer, LeBron James, Lionel Messi, Floyd Mayweather and Maria Sharapova. Artists like Jay-Z, Rihanna, Basquiat and Warhol are Titans. 22 year old chess wunderkind Magnus Carlsen do former Navy Seal Eric Greitens, author J.K. Rowling and inventor of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee. And of course world-builders like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. are Titans. So what's the ONE thing each of these people have in common? --- yes, each of them has what University of Pennsylvania psychology professor Angela Duckworth calls "grit". [Her research has proved that people with "grit"---the trait of exceptional persistence and devotion in the face of obstacles---consistently outperform those with higher IQs]. --- yes, each of them understands that "focus plus time equals genius" so that while average people are trying to do 100 things, these performers are monomaniacally focused on doing just a few things really, really well. --- yes, these SuperAchievers all have an uncommon respect for time (time truly is priceless and the hours average people waste on gossip, tv and video games, Titans use to create remarkable results). --- yes, these people all engaged in deep daily practice which led to their exceptionalism (please read the article "The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance" by Anders Ericsson--the father of "The 10,000 Hour Rule" and you'll have all the science you need to understand that greatness in ANY field is far less about natural talent and far more about deliberate practice). --- yes, they take "hedged risks" (versus betting the farm) that ordinary people don't take because it makes them feel too uncomfortable and scared. --- yes, most Titans invest far less on entertainment and so much more in their education (especially on their personal development). The world TRULY belongs to the learners because the more you learn the more you will achieve. --- and absolutely yes these people had the guts to believe in their own vision of their future even when they were the only people on the planet who believed in that vision. But out of all that I've observed coaching so many of the financial elite and ultra-achievers for 17+ years, sharing long meals with them and traveling to exotic locales with them, the ONE thing they all have in common is this: All Titans live and breathe "The Law of Association" (which says that "your results always rise to the level of your influences."). This is REALLY REALLY important my friend... To create world-class results you absolutely MUST spend time with people whose lives you want to be living. BECAUSE... --- Science has proven that mindsets and emotions are contagious. Associate with elite performers, those leading world-class lives, who are in the top .001% financially, super-healthy and seriously great human beings and their ways of thinking, doing and being unconsciously start to influence you. And...The Law of Association also ensures that: #1. Your income generally is the median income of the 10 people you spend most of your time with. #2. Your levels of motivation will look A LOT like the motivation of the people in your social circle. #3. Your ability to execute on your goals and deliver results on your dreams will be a lot like the "execution intelligence" of your friends and associates. #4. Your lifestyle will reflect the lifestyles of the people who populate your life. #5. And your overall beliefs and happiness-levels are definitely a mirror of the beliefs of those you associate with most of the time. So my strong encouragement is to take a good hard look at who you associate with (as well as your environmental influences). Few things are as important as getting this piece of the "uber-success code" right. So starting today, my strong and respectful encouragement is that you have the guts to clean out associations that are toxic, limiting and demotivating... Your productivity, wealth, fitness, mindset and family life will transform when you get this one thing flawlessly done. And the highest level of success and performance is my greatest wish for you. Article by Robin Sharma, a Great Writer, Motivational Speaker and Corporate Trainer

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